Monday, July 21, 2008

CA Road Trip - San Luis leg

After sailing, it was on to "The Happiest Place on Earth, " according to my brother. No, not Disneyland...San Luis Obispo! I went to college here and, in my opinion, it's probably one of the best places to go to college...Go to classes when you want, no job, the beach is ten minutes away, 75 degrees all year doesn't get much better than that. : )

I still have some friends who are living there (lucky them!), so it was great to see them and spend some time there before leaving for Taiwan.

Friday night, we went to Concerts in the Plaza. A funky reggae band was playing that night and all the old hippies in San Luis came out. It was great!

This guy and his lady friends were really getting in to it...

And, of course no trip to San Luis would be complete without a trip to the beach....

Then, it was Sunday and time to say goodbye for a whole year. : ( Here are my friends that still live in town. Love you girls!

1 comment:

Mel said...

This makes me want to cry... Boo hoo hoo!! I miss you both very much!