Monday, August 24, 2009

Bruges City Planning: A Swell Idea

(Scene: Flanders County Pub -- Belgium)

Bruges City Planner: How do you feel about bricks?
Some Guy: I feel good about them. Mostly.
Bruges City Planner: What about canals, lakes, that sort of thing?
Some Guy: Like Venice?
Bruges City Planner: Do you see me eating pizza? No. I'm drinking beer and this is Belgium.
Some Guy: I see...I think a canal or two would be nice.
Bruges City Planner: Good...good (thoughtfully). Ok, I have this idea.
Some Guy: Let's hear it.
Bruges City Planner: What if we built a city almost entirely of brick, with cobblestone streets, sort of windy-like, leading to a market square with some sort of cool statue in the middle being overlooked by this enormous clock tower and the city hall building, along with the windy roads there will be canals, lot's of them and we need to be sure they run under and around as many beautiful buildings as we can...but...wait...
Some Guy: What is it?
Bruges City Planner: Something is missing. I got it. We need to make a huge cathedral entirely of brick that houses Got it. Remember that weirdo with the marble block?
Some Guy: He was named after a ninja turtle right?
Bruges City Planner: Michelangelo! That's him. Anyways, he made this statue and we are gonna stick it in the cathedral. Did I mention that it will be huge? Like the biggest or second-biggest brick building ever? Yeah...that's the stuff... (Drinks beer thoughtfully)
Some Guy: Sounds like Italy.
Briuges City Planner: (Angrily) Enough about those noodle eaters! I mean...wait...yeah ok, what about this? What does Italy have in the realm of churchy stuff?
Some Guy: Um...the Pope? The shroud of Jesus and maybe a piece of the cross?
Bruges City Planner: Yeah...we can do better. I know this guy. He can get anything. Remember when my carriage broke and I needed a donkey by 5:30 the SAME day? Yeah he is that same guy. Anyways, I am pretty sure he can get a vial of the blood of Jesus. In fact he can get it by 3:00. When we get the blood, it would make sense to build a church around it.
Some Guy: Even IF you could get the blood...another church?
Bruges City Planner: This is beauty man...But We need to build this soon...some yahoo thinks he can sail to India (as if the world were round). We need to get cracking, so he doesn't fall off the edge of the earth and steal our thunder.

After a brief three hour train ride from London, we found ourselves in Bruges. The town truly is amazing and that city planner knew what he was doing. Here are some pictures:

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