Thursday, October 9, 2008

Taiwan Fun Fact

TAIWAN FUN FACT #1: In terms of population density, Taiwan is only second in the world next to Bangladesh.

This is pretty nuts especially if you think about how much usable land Taiwan has. The entire middle of the country is a rugged mountain range with many peaks almost reaching 4,000 meters. In a country that at its widest is only about 140 kilometers, this is pretty impressive. With only about 500,000 of Taiwan's 22 million people on the east coast that leaves the north, south and west edges of the island for the rest of the population.

I think that Taiwan has done a pretty good job of dealing with this massive population in such a small space. We live in a suburb of one of the smaller cities and don't really feel the crush on a day-to-day basis. So, sometimes we catch ourselves wondering, 22 million? doesn't feel like 22 million. And then, we took a train trip down the western side of the island...and you realize that the city never stops. Sure, you have your major centers of population, but apart from the random rice paddy, there is never not a building in your line of sight.

So, what's a little 'ol island nation of 22 million to do? Apart from imposing population controls, of course? Build, build, build, wherever it can. This is a just bit depressing if you stop and think about it.

However, I rest assured that there are some areas that you just can't build on. Like the jagged coastline of the north, the white sandy beaches of the south and that huge rugged mountain range through the middle. At least I know that those places will maintain their natural beauty.

I like to picture Taiwan a couple hundred years ago before all this "progress." I'm sure it was stunning. Cloud-shrouded mountains, hidden waterfalls, views out to the beaches and the sea. And all dotted here and there with the orange-tiled roofs of temples. I'm sure it was a sight to see. No wonder the first people to come here called it, "Isla Formosa."

When you're in the densely populated cities, sometimes you have to look hard to see Taiwan's beauty. But, it's not far or hard to find. I know I've said this before but this creates a pretty sharp and stunning contrast between the cities and the uninhabited portions of the island. Which really makes you appreciate those uninhabited parts that much more.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds pretty much exactly like Japan in that respect, although Japan really does feel overcrowded!