Sunday, September 7, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I've had a few people ask to see pictures of our apartment, so I finally got around to snapping some quick pictures. It's small (about the size of our Seattle apartment) and split over two levels, but since we basically came here only with clothes and a few books and DVDs, it's more than enough space. And it came furnished, which was a huge plus. The building is new and modern and close to a store called Carrefour which is basically like a Target just not as nice.

Here is a picture of the "living room." Trust me, it's not always this clean. It doesn't even look like we live there...
And, here is our amazing kitchen. Yes, there is a lot of cooking that goes on there...
But, oh wait...where is the oven? Where is the microwave? Where is the refrigerator? Oh, is the refrigerator. Memories of dorm life came flooding back (minus the scooter helmet) when I saw this.
But, that's oven, no microwave. That is a Taiwan kitchen for you. When it's just as cheap to eat out and food goes bad so quickly because of the humidity you get used to not really needing a kitchen. Once the weather cools down a bit we have plans to plug in our hot plate and cook some rice and dumplings.

Also, downstairs is a bathroom that I don't really want to talk about. It's an all-in-one design which I think goes along with the efficiency and economy idea. It is a room of all tile with a toilet, a sink and a shower head. Yes, a shower head but no shower area. The whole bathroom is the shower area which basically means that everything in the bathroom gets soaked when you take a shower. I know that in a month or so we are really going to be jonesing for a real shower.

Then, there is an upstairs area that's like a loft.
The apartment is great because it is on a corner and has big windows on both sides. The loft area is cool because it feels separate from the rest of the place. We have our not-so-comfortable bed (but are getting used to it) and our air-conditioner. Let me tell you, that air-conditioner has been a life saver on many a hot day.
And, last but not least, we have our desk area which is where we communicate with all of you lovely people.
So, that's about it. Home for the next year or so. Hopefully, now when you think of us you can picture us in our cozy little place.


Unknown said...

So who took that picture of the living room. Looks very professional!

I'm sure the air conditioner gets put to good use!


rachel the traveler said...

Oh my word! It sounds like you guys handled the experience in a very positive manner! This will definitely be a story/day you will never forget! :)